Spree with Me

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Why Spree with Me?

Spree with Me provides more than just access to convenient, fun and transparent styling and personal shopping services.

We think that more people should access personal styling services that, in the past, have been considered only for the elite few.

The wider impact Spree with Me achieves is to:

  • Inspire you,to re-connect with your self-confidence 

  • Empower female* entrepreneurs in fashion and styling and to support their earning potential, in desirable work with flexible hours

  • Invigorate local retail shopping in a way that will support local designers and independent creative retailers

  • Showcase the creative modern fashion cultures of destinations to travellers

  • Inspire changes in spending decisions – towards being more local, ethical, and supportive of local retailers

  • Positively disrupt and refashion the personal stylist industry

  • Bring people together for genuine experiences in our increasingly disconnected society.

* all genders are welcome

We want for community to better showcase and celebrate our creative cultures to both locals and globetrotters; starting with Brisbane’s fashion scene. Then Australia’s. Then the world’s! In doing so, we will also support local creative retailers and influence change in spending decisions towards locally, sustainably and ethically made goods.

We furthermore, wish for Spree With Me to help empower entrepreneurial women and provide our growing Style Squad with new earning opportunities and financial independence. Our Style Squad are engaged with Spree with Me in a sharing economy service provision model, such as AirBnB, thus allowing for increased flexibility and other benefits (see Join Us).

We also wish to continue to provide more niche Spree experiences, so that local experts in their field can share their knowledge - whatever their choice of style or items.